Life Concern Organization (LICO) has embarked on a community empowerment programme where the organization is providing goats and pigs to study circle groups in Rumphi district.

So far six study circle groups have benefitted through this initiative in the area of Traditional Authority Mwahenga and Mwankhunikira.

Study circle groups pull together people within communities with a sole purpose of discussing ways of fighting the further spread of HIV and AIDS and maternal health.

In Rumphi district, Life Concern Organization has established over 70 study circle groups who are championing issues of safe motherhood, sexual reproduction health and prevention of mother to child transmission services.

Members of study circle groups have also been helpful in promoting HIV couple testing, formulation of community by-laws on maternal and safe motherhood as well as early marriages.

An ideal study circle group comprises of 15 members.

LICO Monitoring and Evaluation officer Nelson Kondowe says the study circle group has been instrumental in the implementation of various development projects. It is community driven, and thus ensures sustainability of various development initiatives.

He says this is why LICO thought it wise to financial equip them with livestock which will be under a pass on programme so that they are financially independent.

Kondowe says besides the livestock, his organization is also supporting couples living positively with soya, beans and vegetable seed so that they are able to cultivate their own gardens as one way of ensuring availability of nutritious foods at household level.